Compose is a vibrant, clean and minimal blog template. Perfect for bloggers, creators and entrepreneurs. Showcase your writing and tell your unique story.
Compose is a vibrant, clean and minimal blog template. Perfect for bloggers, creators and entrepreneurs. Showcase your writing and tell your unique story.
It uses Framer’s powerful CMS for blog posts, category pages, and author pages and uses Framer's newly released native forms and pagination.
The fastest way to get a new website live. Whether it’s a personal blog, a side project, or a blog for your business. Add your own content, connect your domain, and publish to the internet with a click. Just like that — you have a brand new blog.
8 ready-to-use pages (Home, About, All articles, Subscribe, Blog post, Category page, Author page, and 404)
Uses native Framer forms: send subscribers to email, Webhooks, G Sheets and more
Uses Framer’s native CMS pagination
Dynamic CMS functionality for your blog posts and categories
Custom page-load animation effects
Built with the latest Framer features like layer-masks, page-effects, global style variables, and absolute positioning
Fully responsive across 3 breakpoints: desktop, tablet, and mobile
Global colour and typography styles
Not a line of code used
Custom 404 page
Free updates for life
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Connelly Rader
Building Framer Templates in my free time. Framer Expert & Contra Top Independent.
9 Templates
Favorit × Frame
Framer Expert Duo Crafting Client Sites and Minimal Templates With a Premium Touch.
8 Templates
1 Plugin
ena supply
Building visually striking, and highly functional Framer sites.
18 Templates
1 Plugin
1 Plugin
An ever-growing design library of stunning sections and templates.
23 Templates
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